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"Requiem for a Dream" -- Commentary by Matthew Libatique, ASC

"Fargo" with commentary from DP Roger Deakins, CBE, ASC, BSC



**Aspect Ratio**

Some Aspect Ratios

Some Aspect Ratios

Not indicated here:  amperage capacities decrease as length of stinger increases

Not indicated here:  amperage capacities decrease as length of stinger increases


Reading: Nestor Almendros from Masters of Light -- read highlighted section, especially first highlighted section

Lighting from "Realism" and with Available Light: 

Days of Heaven (1987, dp: Nestor Almendros, ASC):

Tech Viewings: 

Some Bros w/ a Quicker C-stand Vid:

Below is a video providing good, basic info on light meters. But note that while the meter itself isn't biased, the DP's own "quick and easy way" to determine middle grey with a spot meter is to take a spot meter reading of  "caucasian skin" in the key light. This is his point of reference, which, unsurprisingly, is of someone that looks like him.